Marys Garden bricks have been entered into a database to assist parishioners in finding individual bricks.
The garden consists of 105 rows (count down the left hand side of garden) and up to 33 bricks in each row (positions).
Brick rows are marked each 10 rows on the left hand side of the garden so that counting of the rows will be easier. Place markers are placed to indicate each ten rows (10, 20, 30, etc.). Since the 1st row with a usable brick only shows on the upper right portion of the garden (looking from the lower part of the garden facing statue of Mary), the first row on the left side is actually row number "2".
To make it easy to find your brick look up the "Row" and "Position" of the brick you are looking for on one of the attached reports on this webpage, then go to the garden and find the "Row" and "Position" of the brick using the brick indicators and you should be seeing the brick you are looking for.
The "Rows" always start at the upper left. The "Positions" are always counted starting on the left side and proceeding to the right.
The following reports are attached for your use to find your bricks:
Marys brick Listing - Complete listing of all bricks by row and position of brick
Marys Brick Cross (Deceased) Listing - Listing of all bricks with a deceased cross on them indicating the brick was in memorial to a deceased person/s.
Using the above instructions and listings parishioners should be able to locate bricks.
If further assistance is needed in locating bricks parishioners may call the parish office. (A search of the database is available to them that will allow you to find bricks with very limited information, like a name on the brick, word, number, etc) The parish staff will assist you in locating the "Row" and "Position" of the brick you are looking for.